
Showing posts from February, 2018

A Dying Breed: The Sensitive Man

Original piece written by me in 2009 Allow me to introduce the sensitive man.   We are the rare subspecies of man who is expressive, emotional, affectionate, and attentive. The sensitive man's religion is sensualism. Sensualism is the love of the spirit of sex, romance and eroticism. Love is our God. Men like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi are our prophets. And men like Marvin Gaye, Barry White, James Ingram, Luther Vandross, Jeffrey Osborne, Prince & R. Kelly are our ministers. I guess that makes R. Kelly our Catholic priest but that's besides the point. The dominant species of man, the macho brutes, dismisses us as faggots. Though we do not belong to the gay subspecies, we share a kinship with them. I guess that makes us the male mulattos, because we represent a hybrid. In our relationships with women, we bear the burdens of our entire sex. Women carry the baggage of previous hurts at the hands of the macho brutes. Therefore, we endure the presumpti