Chapter 29: Peak Experiences, Padma, and WTF Transcendence?
"Don't try to recreate peak experiences. Instead, just accept them as the gift that they are, and don't beat up on yourself for not being able to stay there. Because if you stayed there, they wouldn't be peak experiences. They would be normal, every day in time hum drum boring, experiences. So, savor the peak experiences and compliment yourself upon achieving of them, and expect more of them, and leave everything else out of the equation." - Abraham Hicks Self-actualized people enjoy peak experiences. A peak experience describes a moment of euphoria, wonder, and joy, often characterized by a sense of feeling connected to the universe. They might seem like eye-opening moments, where deeper meanings suddenly become clear. They aren't necessarily spiritual, though. I remember my first praise night for KCCC when I was a sophomore in college. It was supposed to be a big "Christian revival" event where we invited friends and family to accept Jesus into th...